FIRST CALL (2023) / 11 positions

SECOND CALL (2024) / 11 positions


Check the eligibility conditions 

Inform yourself and develop your idea

Contact host supervisor

Prepare required documents

Submit the application 


SYS-LIFE particularly encourages applications that are interdisciplinary, intersectoral, longitudinal and systemic. The candidates are encouraged to propose research ideas and preliminary research plans according to the research topics mentioned on the Research page.

Located in any field supported by UTU’s faculties of Science, Technology and
Medicine, including behavioural sciences.

knowledge and resources from outside academia

Relating to any point(s) in the human life-cycle.

Focusing on connections within the human body.


The candidate needs to be in possession of a doctoral degree by the call deadline, meet MSCA Mobility Rule requirements and submit application, including all required documents, before the deadline.

Applicants must have completed their doctoral degree within eight (8) years before the submission deadline for applications.

The fellow must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Finland for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline.

All relevant documentation must be submitted on time.


The application package must contain all the following documents, which must be in the following order:

All attachments must be written in English with Arial, font size 11, single spaced. All attachments must be in PDF format.


Evaluation includes an eligibility check and an external review followed by a possible ethical review. The Selection Committee compiles an ordered ranking of reviewed applications the highest-ranked applicants are selected for funding (see Reviewer Instructions) . Reserve list applicants are notified of their status and rank by email.” to “Evaluation includes an eligibility check, with eligible applications proceeding to external peer review, followed by a possible ethical review. The Selection Committee compiles an ordered ranking of reviewed applications. The highest-ranked applicants are selected for funding. A reserve list will also be formed from applicants ranked directly after those selected. Reserve list applicants will be notified of their status and rank by email. For further details, see Reviewer Instructions.

The eligibility check of all applications will start after the call is closed. Ineligible applications will be discarded at this stage. No more than one application per candidate will be considered. All applicants will get feedback on their eligibility by email.

All applications meeting all the eligibility requirements of the SYS-LIFE programme will be sent for external review.

The key evaluation criterion is academic quality. Reviewers score, from 1–6, the following four criteria: 1) Excellence of applicant, 2) Scientific excellence of research project, 3) Impact and 4) Implementation. They also provide short comments on these criteria and an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the research proposal, and an overall score from 1–6. With 5 scores out of 6 points, the total score available from each three reviewer is 30.

Reviewers are also asked to comment on any ethical issues around the proposed research, including comments on the Data Management Plan. All eligible applicants will be sent copies of their external reviews.

Applications with declared ethical issues, or deemed by reviewers to contain these, which also receive a review score high enough to merit consideration for selection or reserve listing, will be evaluated by the chair of the most relevant of the ethics committees that oversee research at UTU.

Applicants may appeal on the basis of procedural errors only at

Bente Stallknecht, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen

Vice-Chair Eero Jokinen, Professor, Finnish Cardivascular Foundation

Ville Kytö, MD PhD, R&D Director, Wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland

Pekka Hänninen, Dean, UTU

Pasi Liljeberg, Professor, UTU

Pasi Virta, Professor, UTU

Jyrki Heino, Professor, UTU

Pirjo Nuutila, Professor, UTU

Sari Stenholm, Professor, UTU

Kari Kalliokoski, Research Manager, UTU

Tapio Lönnberg, Senior Research Fellow, UTU

Ex officio members:

Markus Juonala, Professor, SYS-LIFE Director, UTU

Georges Kazan, Research Manager, SYS-LIFE Vice Director, UTU

Maiju Kannisto, Coordinator, UTU

Anni Wärri, Development Manager, UTU

Eeva Rainio, Head of Development, UTU

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